CS0/2000/LE - ZFA124CS008179887

Limited Edition: LE-345. VIN: ZFAAS00B3B8179887. First entry 04/2021: The vehicle is originally from California. Manual transmission, electric windows, air conditioning. Original bumpers, original engine, original transmission. Update 06/2022: 85,000 km. No rust anywhere and always stored in heated garage for the winter. Owner since 2003. For sale: $20,000. 03/2023: Still for sale: $18,000. Update 07/2023: New owner, new plate. 87,000 km. For sale: $19,000.
Typ | type: CS0/2000/LE
Fahrgestellnummer | chassis no.: ZFA124CS008179887
Laufende Nr. | sequential no. : 0179887
Baujahr | date of manufacture: 80
Erstzulassung | initial registration: 81
Standort | location: CDN - Québec
Farbe | color: Ferrari blue met.
Interieur | interior: tan
Verdeck | top: tan
Farbcode | color code: blau
Stand | version: 01.07.2023